Wow, that smells great! Here, have several thousand Brownie Points
I am settling into my new job as a domestic god & local birder. Today I cooked chicken with a honey, olive oil, lemon and garlic marinade. Had it in the oven when Mrs L came in from work. I don't have a Brownie point counter, but several thousand were gained. Also went birding in Wanstead Park, so here are a few gratuitous photos. For the technical amongst you, this is the output of the Canon 400mm f5.6L. Nice isn't it?

Also, stop press announcement that I know you have all been waiting for: The putative Black Brant candidate from Old Hall has been dismissed by those in the know as a "Norfolk Brant", ie it would pass muster up there, but not in Essex, where a more critical eye means it goes down as a hybrid with Brant lineage. As I am sure I must have mentioned, there was no way I was going to tick it, oh no, that would just have been wrong. Fucking Geese.....
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