I stomped back to bed. Mrs L was very pleased, and awarded me some Brownie Points. We both managed to get back to sleep, but of course I then didn't manage to get up when I was supposed to. An hour of prime birding therefore went begging, lord only knows what I missed. I got another Snipe though, yay!
As it has been raining heavily non-stop for the past two days, the Flats were totally waterlogged. Vast puddles have appeared almost everywhere, the smallest depression or uneven ground and a pool has formed. Unfortunately none of them were heaving with Waders, though presumably an hour earlier I would have been fighting my way through hordes of Redshank and Lapwing. There were stacks of Gulls around though. AAaaaahhhh!!!!
On the way back home I picked up a distant bird flying south-east. As it came nearer, it became a Gull. A large Gull. It seemed very dark on the mantle. Could it be a Great Black-backed (semi-mega in Wanstead, and not seen in 2010 - so far)? I had a look at the bill as it hove vaguely into view, though still some way off - oh yes, chunky! And it also had those small white wingtips, mini-mirrors, much bigger than the tiny white patches adult Lessers have. Tick! I even managed to get a few photos, well, best call them record shots. I followed it though my binoculars all the way across the Flats, and as I did so, realised that it flew in a totally different way to all the other Gulls. It was almost like a Grey Heron, a lazy, languid, floppy flight, with very slow yet even wingbeats. Of course, it may just not have been in much of a hurry this morning, and so this isn't feature at all, but if the massive size, ginormous beak, dark mantle and small mirrored wing-tips all fail to make an impression on me in the future, it could make all the difference.
well done bro.... hope you dont mind, i copy/paste the pic onto the redbridgebirdwatching blog... grat record from the borough. Especially away from the gravel works at Fairlop.