Wanstead has predictably ground to a halt. As I returned from my mornings birding on the Flats and in the Park, traffic was barely moving along the main road. I expect the buses will stop soon, and once people get home, or to wherever it is that they are going, the road will become impassable. To be fair, there is quite a lot for round here. Look, here's my terrace, with an unimpressed Palm Tree. I reckon that's a good 10-15cm, and there may be more to come.
The morning's tour produced a few goodies, though nothing spectacular. Best birds on offer were a couple of Wigeon, and five Teal, all on the Roding. The ponds are largely all frozen, and I got my highest ever count of Shoveler on Alex with 27. They too looked unimpressed with the weather, wusses. We're had quite a few Wigeon and Teal during this cold spell, but are still missing the biggie (in a local context). No Goosander, no Goldeneye, no Gyr. Still, there is always tomorrow.

Forget the Wigeon, there's a Ferruginous Duck in the top right corner of the same shot ;-)