Saturday, 26 February 2011

Lithuania, again - Woodpecker Heaven

Once we had faffed about getting the new car started (it didn't like the cold apparently...) we were on our way. A bit of birding in Estonia on the way back, including the wonderful Soomaa National Park where we had stonking views of a White-backed Woodpecker smashing the bejeezus out of a dead trunk, but the main draw awaited us back in Lithuania - Jos' feeding station north of Vilnius.

Before that I should probably mention Latvia, which so far hasn't really had a look in. We actually stopped in Latvia. It was dark, and all we did was eat a burger and have a coffee, but we did set foot in Latvia and very nice it was too. An excellent country tick, though the burger was on the thin side. Anyway, Latvia done, though Schumacher Bradnum got to visit it again, including a full tour of the back of a Latvian police car.

North of Vilnius the following day, we hit the feeders. Amazing, simply amazing. Birds are pretty few and far between in the Baltic states in mid-February, but here, with the promise of boundless quantities of free peanuts, seeminly every Woodpecker in Lithuania had gathered. A Grey-headed, three Middle Spotted, six Great Spotted, a White-backed, and two Black. I didn't see them all, but some rather good photo opportunities which I am pleased to be able to bore you with.

1 comment:

  1. The Middle Spotted Woodpecker is much lovelier than its name.
