
Thursday 23 May 2019

The Mother Road

The mother road, Route 66. We chanced upon this legendary cross-country corridor as we headed out of Arizona towards Nevada. Spotting a sign and intrigued, we diverted off the Interstate to see if we could drive a section of the old road, and remarkably we hit it at exactly the spot that had been the inspiration for the Pixar film 'Cars'. Seligman, Arizona. This was a childhood staple for my lot, and Henry was right into it from the get go. Burma Shave slogans and rusting pickups, dead towns killed by the I40, and miles of straight tarmac. Surprisingly busy in places, we were the only car on other stretches. I. Am. Speed. Rascal Flatts was sourced via our internet-enhanced car, and we immersed ourselves in this extra and unexpected part of our journey. Yes it took longer, yes we did more miles, but this was little bit of history that we were pleased to experience.

Mile 66 on Route 66. 

No matter the price,
No matter how new,
The best safety device
In a car is you.
Burma Shave.

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