Sunday 21 July 2024

Nearly a year since I wrote about a trip

It has been nearly a year since I wrote a single word about travelling anywhere. Trip reports, once a labour of love, seem to have become a thing of the past. They were never especially well-read, but I liked being able to record what I had done, where I had been, and ground them out regardless. Then something changed, not sure what. I still have this vague notion that the death of Photoshop on my main PC is to blame. I refuse to enter into a subscription model, there are enough of those in my life, and so I just accepted that that was that and largely stopped editing my trip photos. And so trip reports stopped. I still get around of course, I just don't bother telling anyone about it. Who wants to hear about other peoples' holidays anyway?


Last night I was plagued by a party and a mosquito. The party, largely outdoor based, was at one of my close neighbours and started around lunchtime. At 2.15am it was still going strong. Mrs L regularly sends me Victor Meldrew memes as I descend into churlishness, a reminder of what I could become, and so I don't suppose I should begrudge anyone a party. I hope they all had a nice time. It sounded like it. The mosquito I have yet to settle the score with, it continues to elude me. All I know is that any appendage that I poked out from under the covers to try and cool down on what was an oppressive night was immediately sucked dry. The bites on my right elbow are particularly impressive, and somewhere in this room a bloated mozzie is struggling to sleep comfortably. I know how it feels. Despite a less than good sleep I found myself awake at 6am. I could have gone birding, but I am still building up to that after a week in Brazil. Nobody should feel sorry for me, but going back to patch birding after spending time in the Tropics is extremely difficult and I'm not ready yet. 

So what to do? Well the last trip I ever wrote about on here was Madrid in August of 2023. I shouldn't even have been in Madrid for any length of time, but in order to ensure that I did not miss a flight to Colombia in the face of a UK air traffic control implosion I made the difficult decision to skip returning to London from Switzerland (where I had been at the time), and instead go straight to Madrid where my flight to Bogota was leaving from. Although this gave me a day in Madrid, it also meant leaving my birding camera behind in London. Ah-hah! No photos to edit! Well, fewer photos to edit - I did have a camera, but it is very small and not conducive to blasting out thousands of images. Maybe this is the ideal place to start? Should I? The post will be read by fewer than 100 people, not a good use of my time - I should go and hunt down that mosquito instead which will be very satifiying although perhaps rather messy...

And so picking up from exactly where I left off....


  1. Well, I for one always read your trip reports. I find them interesting and entertaining, so I would very much like you to keep them going. As for the Photoshop thing, have you considered buying Photoshop Elements? Only about £70, I think, and although it doesn't have all the bells and whistles of the full Photoshop package, it can still do a decent job.


    1. I'll look into it, thanks. I am just peeved that CS2 - which I bought - I can no longer use. It was old but it met my needs perfectly.

  2. Fewer than 100? Blimey, I better start spreading the word there's a trip report in the offing...

    1. To be fair, you were still writing up your Kruger trip in mid-Dec last year. So not quite the 'nearly a year' as the title suggests. Far, far too long ago all the same :)

    2. Gosh you are right, I looked at the date of travel rather than the date of when I wrote it. Saw Kruger and thought "July". Doh.

      Oh well, too late now. I think what I meant was that I wanted to write up Colombia before a year had passed, if you see what I mean.

    3. Anyway, I blitzed it on one of my days off last week, wrote six posts on the bounce, photos (such as they were) and everything. Not sure what came over me but you have to roll with it I find. Publishing one a day startin today. About to start writing up America which followed hot on the heels, but that was to visit family so not much birding to tell of. I did put a lovely dent in my rental car though.

  3. i like yer trip reports too - mainly cos most of the places I will never get to. And I like leaving #AlwaysOnHoliday in the comments

    1. I always look forward to it. Bit of a long time now until the next one mind you.
