Yucatan Wren |
We were at the Ejido San Salvador at 5.45am, pretty dedicated. We had been here the previous afternoon as soon as we arrived in the area, and whilst we had not seen a great deal we felt it had a lot of promise - after all the eBird pin had 276 species on it! The track heads directly east from the obvious bend in the main road and has scrubby vegetation on the southern side and a more watery landscape on the north. Our main target this morning was Yucatan Wren, a peninsula endemic, as well as Black-throated Bobwhite which has a slightly wider distribution albeit not by much. We were also looking for Mangrove Vireo and Mexican Sheartail. We found the first two of these with consumate ease, our first Yucatan Wren was right by the car and over the course of two hours we found eight! Like many neotropical Wrens this is a chunky beast with a loud call and is only really present on this coast. A bit further east along the track we came across our first Bobwhite, small blobs helpfully perching in low trees just the other side of the stone wall. Our full list from this walk is here and contained many highlights. Mexican Sheartail was another lifer in the same area with a single bird perched on a lone twig, and there were five Mangrove Vireo and two White-eyed Vireo, all of these on the northern side of the track which bordered the water. There were tons of small birds along this track, with Least Flycatcher, Yellow-bellied Elaenia and Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet within feet of each other, a pair of Rose-throated Becard, Altimira and Orange Orioles, Red-winged Blackbird and Bronzed Cowbird. A smattering of Warblers included Grey-crowned Yellowthroat, Magnolia Warbler, two Parula and three Northern Waterthrush, and noisy pair of Laughing Falcons were sat in a taller tree out on the marsh to the north. In short it was a brilliant two hours.

Black-throated Bobwhite |
Northern Bearless-Tyrannulet |
Mexican Sheartail |
Yucatan Wren |
We headed back to the hotel for breakfast just after 8am, popping into the cemetery briefly which is right by the crossroads. This was flooded around the outside of the walls, with at least half a dozen Least Sandpiper and two Roseate Spoonbill feeding in the shallow water. In the cemetery itself we found another Mexican Sheartail perched on one of the crosses, and a Yucatan Wren was in a small bush by the gate.

Breakfast was excellent, bread, eggs, beans and above all coffee! The Hotel San Felipe de Jesus is right on the edge of the lagoon and we were able to bird as we ate. Right outside the windows on the breakwater of the small harbour were many Sandwich Tern, Royal Tern, Laughing Gull and Double-crested Cormorant, and Flamingos fed in the shallow mangrove-bordered water on the far side of the lagoon. A Whimbrel flew past, as did a Roseate Spoonbill, and there were flights of Brown Pelican further out whilst Magnificent Frigatebirds wheeled with Vultures high over the lagoon. Life was good and breakfast took a long time.
So long that we did not arrive at Las Coloradas until late morning. After avoiding the guides/touts, all of whom maintained that we could not possibly visit the Salinas without their paid assistance, we parked up outside the visitor centre here and birded with the scope. Here too we were pressured into walking out with a guide, but we had no interest in being shown how salt was made and we could see everything we wanted from right where we were. Later on we walked around and into the village, finding our way to the vehicular access for the salt pans, and from here were able to see a lot further east into some pools which were far more birdy than the drier salt pans themselves. We counted around 40 Black-necked Stilt, a pair of American Avocet, Snowy Plover, Wilson's Phalarope, innumerable Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, hundreds of Least Sandpiper and Western Sandpiper, a bonus Caspian Tern in with hundeds of Royal and Sandwich Terns, and a handful of Mangrove Swallow. And as for the Flamingos.... An excellent site, and our trip list rose very quickly in no time at all.

Heading back west we stopped at the beach and walked to the shoreline. The beach is vast, as far as you can see in both directions. We added Grey and Semipalmated Plovers here, a smart Reddish Egret, and tried to give assistance to a Yellow-throated Vireo that had clearly just made the crossing and was in danger of dying. It may still have done exactly that, but we gave it some water and put it in such shade as there was to try and increase its chances. A little further on, where the road bends back down towards San Salvador we found our first Willet and American Oystercatchers, and a Lesser Black-backed Gull flew past, something of a rare bird here.
Yellow-throated Vireo |
Back on the main road towards the crossroads we drove in an open gate that led to a small holding and a minor quarry of some description. The entrance is just opposite the Rancho El Paraiso. A guy was doing something with a bulldozer and completely ignored us, so we parked up and had a look around. We found another Mexican Sheartail here, Vermillion Flycatcher, a Killdeer and two Orange Orioles. It felt good for Nightjars with a lot of open ground so we decided to come back at dusk and try our luck.
Brown Pelican |
Double-crested Cormorant |
Royal Tern |
We had a late lunch in Rio Lagartos itself and then went birding on the western side of town where there are some accessible shallow pools. This was an excellent spot, and at the end of a short dead end track where some houses were being constructed we found five Short-billed Dowitcher, a Spotted Sandpiper, seven Marbled Godwit and six Willet. Our wader list was going great guns today! In the marshy vegetation we tried for Clapper Rail and were amazed to find three quietly moving around mostly invisibly.
Late afternoon we found ourselves back on the Camino San Felipe looking for Canivet's Emerald but only finding Cinammon Hummingbird. Green Heron were common, and a Melodious Blackbird was with an Orange Oriole north of road. The dump near here was full of Black Vultures. At dusk we returned to the Rancho El Paraiso but found the previously open track now closed off with a roll of barbed wire fencing. Gutted! We parked outside and birded from the main road but this put paid to our plans of looking for Yucatan Poorwill. We did get another two Lesser Nighthawk, and as per the previous day there were several large flights of ducks heading off to roost on the water as the sun set.
Birding takes you to all the best places |
Back at the hotel we arranged with the owner to stay an extra night which was no problem at all, the birding had been so good that we wanted another shot at it the next morning and given we had done so well already there was no need to travel further west. I think that when I had been researching the trip that the chances of things like Black-throated Bobwhite had been much higher the nearer to Celestun you got, but we had already seen this and our other main targets we could modify our plans. Dinner was an excellent piece of salmon washed down by some local beers. It had been a rather good day, this area is really good.
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