Saturday, 15 March 2025

Well that's a relief

Today would have been my Wheatear day had I been alert enough to actually give Tony my choices at the appointed time. Instead it ended up being Bob's Wheatear day. You can therefore imagine my relief when the patch turned up virtually no migrants this morning. A handful of Chiffchaff and a single Blackcap, none of them likely new in, and the only sign of actual movement a small number of Meadow Pipit overhead. There is always tomorrow, or more likely given the current weather conditions, a much later date. For instance the 27th... 

James, Tony and I pottered around the Flats for a while, not seeing a great deal. Momentary and possible excitement was caused by three Swans picked up late heading north and away. We all wanted them to be something they probably were not, and the photos are inconclusive. We checked the Park in case they had come down. They had not. I did manage several Little Owls on the Flats, and a Great Crested Grebe in the Park. These two take me to 67 for the year, neither terrible nor outstanding. Fewer than at the equivalent date in 2024, more than in 2023. This means precisely nothing at this early stage, as I've often said, this is a marathon....

One of three Little Owl on Wanstead Flats this morning

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